The Twelfth JPPC has 3 special committees: Committee on Law; Committee on Internal and Judicial Affairs and Committee on Finance and economics. The special committees are under the leadership of JPPC or its Standing Committee in the recess of JPPC. Each special committee is composed of one director-general, several deputy directors-general and members, who are elected from and by the deputies to JPPC for a 5-year term. The organizational principle of the special committees is democratic centralism. Major issues are discussed and decided collectively by the members of the committee concerned.
Under the leadership of JPPC and its Standing Committee, the special committees study, examine and propose bills. For the matters which are concerned with each of the special committee and which should be handled by JPPC or its Standing Committee, the special committees’ tasks are to carry out investigations, conduct research and make suggestions. The special committees should also help JPPC and its Standing Committee examine and supervise the implementation of laws and decrees.